2018 Asia Euro University, All Rights Reserved

រដ្ឋបាល និងបុគ្គលិក

Admin & Personne

Duty of Administrative Office and Staff

  • Beign Responsible for overall task concerned administrative task and staff
  • Communicating and solving various problems with outer institution
  • Preparing and Keeping doucment in order and managing internal administrative letters in and out
  • Preparing and governing security, environment, hygiene, water, electricity, overall equipment and various task concerned
  • Agreeing to propagte the news of plan and various regulation to all staff or concerned office
  • Governing and preparing every program such as meeting, conference, seminar, practicum...
  • Preparing trimester report, semester and annual report


  • Finace management
  • Planning annual finance
  • Maintaining and spending on teaching administrative and staff
  • Managing late expenditure on staff
  • Managing student's scholarship
  • Managing and maintaining building's price
  • Managing current asset and fix asset
  • Attending every meeting to listen to various proposal
  • Attending every activity of University

Security and Order

  • Controlling target and shift limited
  • Inquiring, investigating and reporting every activity included atmospheric matter, water, electricity, other instrument
  • Preparing and reporting daily activities
  • Investigating and controlling the people who are on duty
  • Taking care of assigned work
  • Preparing and controlling ticket for the means of the lectures, staff and students' trip
  • Taking action, controlling and strengthening security internal discipline strongly
  • Preparing parking with good order
  • Taking action in order to obstruct risk
  • Attending every activity of the University

Environment and Hygienic Section

  • Following designation, advice and plans
  • Taking care of sweeping every official instrument and study room
  • Guaranteeing to have good hygiene everywhere in the campus
  • Attending every activity of the University

Immovable Asset

  • Controlling every instrument which is used
  • Maintaining and fixing every instrument which is used including the instrument in the warehouse
  • Reporting the instrument which is consuming and demanding to guaranteeing the effect of use accounting office
  • Attending every activity of the University