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Internal Quality Assurance (IQA)


Asia Euro University (AEU), a private higher education institution, has gained its popularity among students everywhere. For the last decade, AEU has been working actively to contribute to social development by means of providing human resources specializing in business, tourism, economics, banking, finance and accounting, foreign languages, marketing, management, laws, social studies, and international relations.

AEU has been playing its significant roles in ensuring quality of its human resource training in to meet the needs of high-tech society.

AEU’s IQA has two main purposes: (1) to ensure that AEU has been working properly in line with the guidelines and standards required by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS); and (2) to conduct AEU’s self-evaluation as well as to improve its learning mechanism so that AEU is fully accredited for its quality education.



IQA is to promote undergraduate and post-graduate education at AEU and to ensure that the education is recognized both locally and internationally.



IQA is in charge of preparing document, and procedures, standards including other policies set by the MoEYS in order to have AEU’s education fully accredited.



To have AEU fully accredited for the following standards:

  1. Vision, mission and goals
  2. Governance and management
  3. Staff
  4. Curriculum
  5. Students’ services
  6. Learning resources
  7. Physical resources
  8. Financial resources
  9. Internal quality assurance


Strategic Plans

For the three years, AEU’s IQA committee, chaired by a Vice Rector in charge of IQA, have planned the following strategies:

Strategy 1: Promoting knowledge and understanding of higher education quality assurance for all relevant stakeholders at AEU.

Strategy 2: Strengthening quality and management of IQA and conducting internal quality to ensure better efficiency.

Strategy 3: Building capacity of IQA committee and developing the internal education quality at AEU.

 Strategy 4: Ensuring and promoting education quality in line with the required standard.

Strategy 5: Implementing the standards and the indications in consistence with the educational setting restricted by the Accreditation Committee of Cambodia (ACC) and MoEYS.


Roles and Responsibilities of IQA

IQA is to encourage the mechanism and the process of educational quality assurance of Cambodia and MoEYS, to provide guidelines and training, and to identify strengths and weaknesses of the different departments. To do so, IQA has the following roles and responsibilities:

  1. Collecting documents, information concerning the standards implementation as stated by ACC and MoEYS.
  2. Examining and evaluating self-evaluation reports of the nine standards implementation in order that the educational quality is accredited by IQA.
  3. Examining the self-evaluation report of the six criteria so that Foundation Year is fully accredited.
  4. Monitoring, evaluating, and encouraging the implementation of AEU’s strategic plan and all the action plans of all the offices, deans, and departments.
  5. Archiving documents and all administrative letters concerning IQA of AEU.
  6. Assessing lecturers/professors by using students’ opinions and/or class evaluation, and then releasing the result for evaluation, incentives, awards…etc.
  7. Others duties delegated by the management.